I've made it a mission to get super duper toned and bikini ready this summer and I've been doing yoga and pilates to help me get in shape. Yoga helps increase your flexibility, it helps keep your joints, ligaments and tendons in great shape, it massages all the organs in your body, helps you detox, it tones, burns calories and brings about awareness. So let's get started... First thing's first, you're going to need an amazing and comfortable pair of yoga pants.
Shirts of Bamboo is a clothing company that has bamboo apparel for men, women and babies. They also carry great accessories like robes, towels, socks and headbands. For those of you who have never experienced the wonders of bamboo, let me just say that bamboo is the softest, most natural, breathable, light and most renewable, sustainable fabric on the planet. Bamboo's silky softness and environmental benefits are enough to get any "green"y excited!Accent Stitch Bamboo Yoga Pants ($48): These yoga pants have an elastic waist and a drawstring and are extremely comfortable and flattering for any shape and size. My tushy looks mega yummy when I'm sportin' these bamboo threads. These pants are available in chocolate brown (my fave) and black. They are made of 70% bamboo, 20% cotton and 10% lycra. I wear these pants religiously when I go to the gym and they are quick to absorb sweat and feel so light that it really makes working out a more enjoyable experience. These super cozy pants also double as sleepy time pants for night-night. These coupled with a bamboo tank top and forget about it. You'll be in comfort heaven.
For more info: Shirts of Bamboo
Now that you're rockin' your bamboo yoga fancy pants, you're also going to want to get yourself an ecologically sound, slip resistant, cushiony yoga mat.Jade Harmony Yoga Mat ($40-80): This environmentally friendly yoga mat is made with open cell, natural rubber (a renewable resource tapped from rubber trees). That means there and no PVC or ozone depleting substances. Jade Harmony Mats are pretty slip resistant even they get wet with perspiration and they also provide the perfect amount of cushioning. These mats are available in the most beautiful colors, too! Colors to choose from include: Purple, Black, Sedona Red, Tibetan Orange, Slate Blue, Midnight Blue and Olive Green. These mats also come in three different thickness: 1/8" Harmony Travel (lighter, for those who would like closer contact with the ground), 3/16" Harmony Professional (most popular, perfect balance of traction and cushion) and 5/16" Harmony Fusion (extra thick for more cushion). I personally, am trying to make every aspect of my life as green as possible and I honestly feel better about myself and the planet when I use my environmtally freindly yoga mat. Now if I could just manage to find a "green" gym to go to.
For more info: Jade Yoga
Okie dokie, we're set with the goods, now let's get our yoga on!
I've been hooked on Real Bodyworks Yoga dvds. They have three levels to choose from. I am a big fan of all three.
Gentle Practice ($19.95): This one is taught by Zyrka Landwijt. This dvd has 6 gentle routines, 3 1/2 hours of practice and 23 pose lessons. If you've never done yoga before, this dvd is a great way to familiarize yourself with the basics. It's so important to do the poses correctly, so this dvd gives detailed instructions for each pose, including positioning, common mistakes, pose benefits and contraindictations.
Gentle Vinyasa Flow ($19.95): Vinyasa yoga is my fave! It's so flowy and continuous and you will definitely find yourself breakin' a little sweat. This dvd is also taught by Landwijt and is a perfect follow up to Gentle Practice. It's level of difficulty is beginner to intermediate.Spirit of Vinyasa Flow ($19.95): This dvd is taught by Deb Dobbin and features one 39 minute sequence and two 70 minute sequences. The level of difficulty on this one is intermediate to advanced. What I love most about all 3 of these dvds is that you can choose your level of difficulty and length of each lesson, which could possible vary day to day depending on your mood and flexibility. Zyrka and Deb are amazing instructors and the soundtracks to these dvds are very relaxing and spot on. The Pose Guide is included in all 3 dvds so take advantage of doing each pose correctly to get the full benefits for your body.
For More info: Real Bodywork